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Hosting Solution

we provide you with a solution that best fits your needs.

Dedicated Server

Get control with the the flexibility to access your own storage with a customized dedicated servers.
Now, you get to share your files internally with your co-workers too.
You get higher security, control and performance.

Cloud Solutions

How convenience it is when you can access your data anytime & anywhere online with your co-workers.
If needed, we will also ensure a smooth and hassle-free migration from your existing IT solution to the Cloud solution.

We Address Critical Needs.

  • Higher security control for your data
  • Higher performance
  • Higher flexibility
  • Customized storage space
  • Convenience
  • Scalable hybrid cloud

what domain name do you need?

A domain name is a website page URLs (eg:, .sg, .net, .org etc).
It is important to choose a domain name that not only fits your business, but is also easy to find and promote. Before you choose a domain name for your company, you will need a server to host your website and email.


A hosting service provider is a data center that stores all your website data like images, contents and emails.
The hosting service provider we use are Bluehost and Vodien.

Depending on your requirements, we will recommend a best hosting solution for you to ensure that your business website operates efficiently.

Contact us for more information.